Blyborough PRS



DN21 4HH

This project was awarded to GHP following a mini tender event by Cadent. GHP’s proposal was the most favourable and thus the work was allocated in summer of 2021.


  • Measure and provide manufacturing drawings for 2x new WAH access platforms
  • WAH specification to T/SP/SHR/1
  • Install new concrete footings to base of access steps to specification T/SP/CE/1
  • Prefabricate access stairs and handrails
  • Arrange transport and lifting measures on site
  • Lift platforms and lower onto newly set concrete footings
  • Square up and fasten down

Originally, we were just meant to install 2x WAH access stairs, but when we arrived on site to measure up, our engineers realised that the protection handrailing already in situ was not current standards. We advised the client of the situation and their instruction was to replace this also. As the installation was scheduled for over a couple of days, we mobilised welfare and set up site to CDM regs.